Designing happily.

Months — A Simple Expense Tracker

Months is a personal project and the result of multiple iterations that tries to solve a personal finance problem. It's a fairly simple idea—I tell it how much I can spend per month, and it tells me how much I can spend per day. That daily number then changes as expenses are recorded. The less you spend today, the more you have tomorrow. See it in the App Store

Starting as an Excel sheet, Months evolved to become fully mobile and real-time.

Starting as an Excel sheet, Months evolved to become fully mobile and real-time.

When I realized manual calculations and an offline use-case became ineffective at keeping me accountable, I moved to Google Docs. When that didn't give me what I needed, I started pinging a very talented developer, Gianluca Di Maggio, and he helped my pet project become reality. 

Prototypes and animations became an effective way to communicate interaction behavior and intent.

Prototypes and animations became an effective way to communicate interaction behavior and intent.

Below are samples of the animations and motion interactions I wanted to be included in the app. It became a highly effective way to convey design intent to Gianluca. These animations were built with Principle.
